Getting Started with WalletConnect

1. Download a Compatible Wallet

. Choose a Wallet

WalletConnect is compatible with various wallets, such as MetaMask, Trust Wallet, and Coinbase Wallet. Choose a wallet that best suits your needs and download it from the official website or app store.

. Install the Wallet

Follow the installation instructions for your chosen wallet on your device. Ensure you download the wallet only from official sources to avoid counterfeit versions.

2. Setting Up Your Wallet

. Open the Wallet

Launch the wallet application on your device.

. Create a New Wallet

Select the option to create a new wallet. The wallet will generate a recovery seed phrase for you. This seed phrase is crucial for recovering your wallet if you lose access to your device.

. Write Down Your Seed Phrase

Carefully write down the 12- or 24-word recovery seed phrase provided by the wallet. Store this seed phrase in a secure location. Do not store it digitally or share it with anyone.

. Confirm Your Seed Phrase

To ensure accuracy, you will be prompted to confirm the seed phrase by selecting the words in the correct order.

. Set a Strong Password

Create a strong password for your wallet. This password will be required each time you access the wallet, adding an extra layer of security.

3. Connecting Your Wallet to WalletConnect

. Open WalletConnect in Your Wallet

In the wallet application, find and open the WalletConnect feature. This is usually found in the settings or dApps section of the wallet.

. Scan the QR Code

Visit the dApp you want to connect to and select the WalletConnect option. A QR code will be displayed. Use your wallet app to scan this QR code to establish a connection.

. Authorize the Connection

Confirm the connection request in your wallet app. Once approved, your wallet will be connected to the dApp, allowing you to interact and perform transactions.

Using WalletConnect

1. Accessing Your Wallet

. Open the Wallet Application

Launch the wallet application on your device.

. Enter Your Password

Enter the password you set during the wallet setup process to unlock your wallet.

2. Managing Your Cryptocurrency

. View Your Portfolio

The wallet application provides an overview of your cryptocurrency portfolio, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and various other supported assets. You can view your total balance, individual asset balances, and recent transactions.

. Sending Cryptocurrency

To send cryptocurrency, select the "Send" option, enter the recipient’s address, specify the amount, and confirm the transaction. You will need to approve the transaction using WalletConnect if the dApp is connected.

. Receiving Cryptocurrency

To receive cryptocurrency, select the "Receive" option to display your wallet address. Share this address with the sender to receive funds. Confirm the address to ensure it matches.

3. Interacting with dApps

. Browsing dApps

Visit dApp platforms such as DappRadar or explore dApps directly from the WalletConnect interface in your wallet app.

. Performing Transactions

With WalletConnect, you can perform various transactions such as trading, staking, or participating in DeFi activities directly from the connected dApp. Each transaction will require approval from your wallet app for security purposes.

4. Security Features

. Encryption and Security

WalletConnect uses end-to-end encryption to secure the communication between your wallet and dApps. Your private keys remain stored in your wallet app and are never shared.

. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Enhance security by enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) on your wallet app. This adds an additional layer of protection for accessing your wallet and authorizing transactions.